Läst 792 ggr
12/27/17, 2:56 PM

De undertryckta naturliga instinkterna

"Despite what you might be thinking, these two circles are not equal. I repeat: these two circles are not equal. One is in fact larger than the other. What I need you to do is to determine which one that is.

So, please raise your hand if you believe the blue circle is larger than the red. Alright. Please raise your hand if you believe the red circle is larger than the blue. Alright, very good. Now, before I said anything about these two circles, what was your first instinct? Equal, right? 'Cause they look equal. The reason why they look equal, is 'cause in fact they are equal. These two circles are identical. Yet I got just everyone of you to raise your hand and say that they're not.

So what do we learn? That you can be manipulated like that to believe in something that goes against your natural instincts. Just imagine, just imagine as a child you're taught that the blue circle is larger than the red. If you say it enough times, you convince yourself that's the truth. If you're told a lie enough times, it becomes part of your reality. And if enough people were taught that lie, that the blue circle is larger than the red, well now it becomes part of the culture. And if that culture than passes than misinformation along to the next generation, well now it becomes tradition."

En mycket intressant och tänkvärd föreläsning på tio minuter av James Wildman.

Det är en del av en längre föreläsning, som jag ännu inte tittat på.

Många av er har kanske redan sett den videon. Kanske var det just det som fick dig att bli Vegan. För mig var det inte så, jag minns faktiskt inte riktigt hur jag blev Vegan, men det är en nyttig och sevärd video, oavsett om du är Vegan eller inte. Jag blir glad av att det finns folk vars ord verkligen berör.🙂

"Vi som lever är bara döda på semester, nån sorts sommargäster" Bodil Malmsten

/Wowy, medarbetare på Vegan iFokus☀️

1/4/18, 9:43 PM


Var snäll mot alla - bli vegan ❤

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